Feb 2, 2020 | Industry Insight

The Secret of Technology Success: Collaboration

Collaboration transforms the banking technology vendor and bank relationship into success. We have seen this first hand since 1967 because our company was founded to providing financial technology services in collaboration with our clients. Throughout nearly fifty years, we have found that clients “connect the dots” in ways that technicians rarely do. I cannot begin to count the number of technology solutions that our clients have improved through collaboration. We have discovered new opportunities, avoided costly mistakes, redirected our development efforts, and added highly effective features and support components to our products – all as a result of collaboration with our clients. Financial institutions know what consumers and businesses appreciate most in a new technology, how their employees fit the new technologies into their busy lives and which modifications truly deliver technology’s promise. Our growing use of core processing apps to accelerate innovation has been inspired by clients who told us they wanted more innovation than the typical company could deliver with an annual software update. This feedback inspired us to expand the scope of apps available to our clients from simple screens and reports to full-fledged systems that track sales and calculate loyalty rewards. Today these systems rival most solutions on the market and are included in our core platform at no extra cost. Collaboration with our clients has also kept our focus on system flexibility – a critical factor in our clients’ ability to use the third-party systems of their choice. Clients have rightly insisted on tight integration between these systems and the core so that everything works as a cohesive whole. Thanks to continued collaboration, these systems today also integrate with each other, delivering superior service while reducing cost. Our collaborative approach to technology keeps our clients’ voice front and center in everything we do. Our clients’ focus on account holders and markets keeps our company grounded in practical solutions that help our clients succeed. When anyone asks me about COCC’s success, I point to collaboration as our “secret” ingredient. Yet collaboration is no secret at COCC – it’s the cornerstone of our business. Collaboration is the message we present every day: “Collaborative to the core.” More effective technology products, increased client satisfaction, reduced surprises – COCC is living proof of the success that’s possible when a company welcomes its clients through collaboration.     Client feedback inspired us to expand the scope of apps available to our clients from simple screens and reports to full-fledged systems that track sales and calculate loyalty rewards.

About COCC

As an industry-leading fintech provider, COCC delivers innovative, comprehensive technology solutions and strategic partnerships with an unparalleled focus on service. Offering a robust, feature-rich suite of modern, standards-based core and digital banking solutions, COCC’s cutting-edge systems are designed with intuitive user interfaces and are fortified by advanced APIs which seamlessly facilitate leading fintech integrations. Consistently ready to adopt and embrace emerging technologies, COCC remains agile and forward-thinking, meeting the demands of a rapidly evolving financial landscape where live real-time functionality matters. COCC is forever dedicated to assisting community banks and credit unions with remaining strong and competitive by providing the technology, support, and expertise needed to succeed. To learn more, visit www.cocc.com.

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